Return to business for Carifresh
Thursday 03 June 2010
Exports of mangoes start again after the earthquake of January.
Carifresh, mangoes exporter in Haiti has just resumed its deliveries after the earthquake of January which touched the island.
The first deliveries of mangoes left for the United States, late compared to the usual calendar, but the season is well supposed to be for Carifresh who has already exported 30.000 boxes.
Last year, Carifresh had sold 210.000 boxes with 4,5 kg and had taken place in the 5th rank, according to the national Association of mango exporters (ANEM).
Haiti is known to offer some of the most beautiful mangoes to the world, but the exports represent only 10 % of its annual harvest.
Half of the fruits are lost before reaching markets, because of a mismanagement of the harvests, lack of treatment before harvest, and lack of road infrastructures.
According to certain estimations, if all these obstacles were raised by massive investments, the exports of Haitian mangoes could pass of 10 million dollars a year in 90 millions.
source : latin business chronicle, idb, miami herald