New Optimo ripening room – a complete solution for minimal cost targeted on small companies
Recently introduced by Interko, Optimo is already in high demand from ripening operators in southern Europe, Asia and Latin America. During Asia Fruit Logistica in Hong Kong we talked with Managing Director/Partner Chris Maat and Business Development Manager Anna Zegveld about advantages of Optimo ripening room.
OPTIMO is a smart, turn-key ripening room that can be adapted to ripen from 8 up to 24 pallets of fresh bananas, avocados or mangoes. Single-level room comes pre-assembled with Interko’s most recent technological advances, including its revolutionary REVERSO reversible fans.
“OPTIMO is targeted on small companies, who have small facilities, for small family businesses”, – explains Managing Director/Partner Chris Maat. “It is a complete solution and first step for those, who want to start with ripening. Price is comparatively low and quite affordable” – he continues.
“In fact OPTIMO is the only direct solution to customers (without refrigeration companies in between)”, - adds Business Development Manager Anna Zegveld. “That is why we already have very good feedbacks from end users and demand is rising”.
Thanks to its clever design
“This system covers all the markets, as it is easy to ship, install and maintain”, - summarizes Chris.
Chris and Anna will be also available to provide information about the company’s entire range of fruit ripening systems and air coolers during:
- PMA in Orlando, FL, USA - appointment should be scheduled in advance (19-20 October)
- Fruit Attraction in Madrid, Spain – stand 10C10B (23-25 October)
Chris Maat
Anna Zegveld
+31 (0)79 593 2581
For more information about Interko, visit
For more information about Interko's ripening products, visit