Potato imports are expected to reach record volume this year
Thursday 16 December 2021
According to the national statistical agency, in the period January-October 2021, Uzbekistan imported 389,500 tons of potatoes, 103,000 tons more than in the same period of 2020 (Photo : kun.kz).
In order to curb the rise in food prices on the domestic market, Uzbekistan has decided to abolish import taxes on several products, including potatoes. Potato imports could exceed 500,000 tonnes in the whole of 2021.
In Uzbekistan, to curb rising food prices, Parliament recently passed a law raising VAT (value added tax) to 0 on various products, including potatoes, imported or sold domestically.
Last October, before this new law came into force, the wholesale price of potatoes had increased by 43% in one week. Compared to the same date in 2020, price levels were +39% higher and more than double the prices recorded on the same date in 2019.
According to the national statistical agency, in the period January-October 2021, Uzbekistan imported 389,500 tons of potatoes, 103,000 tons more than in the same period of 2020.
Some analysts estimate that the volume of imported potatoes in 2020, 421,000 tons, will be far exceeded this year and that the total volume could exceed 500,000 tons.
source : agrotexglobal.com, kun.uz