Red berries are essential in prevention of diseases.
During the Fresh Live CaixaBank Conference 'Red fruits to increase defenses and help prevent Covid-19, the doctor and specialist in Urology Juan Carlos Ruiz de la Roja highlighted the importance of food in prevention of many diseases, including the COVID-19.
“Red berries are a perfect food due to their content in vitamins and minerals, not only to increase our defenses, but also to help the patient's recovery to be as quick as possible." - says Dr. Ruiz.
Red berries are rich in vitamins of group A, C and E , which are "essential to prevent infections by different germs, including viruses, as they improve our defensive system." On the other hand, he stressed that red berries are a source of magnesium, calcium and potassium, which help to soften symptoms like fatigue and muscle pain.
The manager of Freshuelva, Rafael Domínguez, thanked Dr. Juan Carlos Ruiz for his presentation, his knowledge and dissemination of the importance of consumption of red berries to combat serious health effects that are being recognized as a consequence of the Coronavirus.
Maria Jesús Catalá, the territorial director of CaixaBank in Western Andalusia and Extremadura thanked Freshuelva for its collaboration in organizing the first Fresh Live CaixaBank conference, a conference “at which both entities agreed to disseminate the numerous nutritional benefits of food, which is so important for the countryside of Huelva”.
Through its virtual exhibition area at Fruit Attraction LIVEConnect, Freshuelva was developing a complete program of activities with different conferences and meetings on different topics that have ranged from the nutritional qualities of red berries to natural fertilizers, the future of hydroponics or the export routes for berries offered by the Port of Huelva.
Freshuelva has been a member of the organizing committee of Fruit Attraction since it was created. In their 12th participation of The FRUIT Attraction LIVEConnect 2020 in October they’ve had their own virtual space at this exclusive business meeting.
source : diariodehuelva es