The G77 set itself the objective to change the world
The most important meeting in decades has taken place in almost indifference of Western and European media.
World Cup in Brazil, featuring subject of our media, is an event of less importance compared to the G77 + China meeting. For 2 days (14-15 June), the leaders of the least developed countries gathered in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, at the occasion of G77 with China as guest country.
This meeting of 133 member states represent about 60% of the world population and if we add China, the total rises to 77% of humanity. The meeting aimed to seek new proposalsto eradicate poverty by 2030 which is more combative than "Objective of Millennium of UN" that failed .
Food security, ecological and social crisis, were at the heart of the debate. Participants were able to lead to the drafting of a document containing various proposals and objectives. Entitled "Towards a New World Order by living well" this document is the fight against poverty the central objective of development projects.
source: courrier international, lhumanite, rfi, afriqueenligne, chinaorg