The imports of contaminated citrus must cease
The Spanish citrus growers and COPA COGECA require immediate measures to block the citrus imports from South Africa.
Since the beginning of the year, border health controls showed the presence of bacteria called "Guignardia citricicarpa" (black spot) in citrus shipments from South Africa. According to AVA-ASAJA, the association of Spanish producers, the number of reported cases is already 40 (between January and November).
Number much higher than the cases admitted by the EU. The European Commission promised measures, reminds COPA COGECA, if 5 shipments of contaminated products were detected at the borders. There are now more than 5 interceptions at the borders and the European Commission has not yet taken action, deplores COPA COGECA.
The measures must be energetic: stop the imports from South Africa, to protect the area against the spread of the disease that is highly contagious. For COPA COGECA it is essential to protect 300,000 hectares of European citrus orchards and 10 million tons of products from contamination by the black spot disease. It does not currently exist in the EU, but can easily spread from one fruit to another.
source : copa cogeca be, levante emv com