Joint French stand at Macfrut
For the first time at Macfrut, a group of French companies (production and marketing) will have a stand, coordinated by the French Embassy in Italy and the UBIFRANCE office in Milan.
France exported to Italy about 102,000 tons of vegetables and 108,000 tons of fruit in 2011. The French product offering is often complementary to local supplies.
The French presence in Macfrut has the objective of strengthening existing relationships and develop new business with importers, wholesalers and buyers in Italy.
- PRINCE DE BRETAGNE Producers Association of Brittany, which produces 600,000 tons of vegetables per year.
- LACOUR trading company in Perpignan, which offers a wide range of fruit and vegetables from Spain and Morocco.
- EN'DIVA, specialist in endives, 15,000 tons a year.
- JMF PARTENARIAT, in Perpignan with a wide range of fruits and vegetables.,
- POM'ALLIANCE, French leader for potatoes.
- GOSSELIN, production et sale of vegetabels from Normandy.
- POMMIES, trading company for potatoes.
- COT INTERNATIONAL, creator and distributor of new varieties of fruit: apricots, cherries and plums.