Asparagus growing area falls 43%
Friday 01 June 2012
In 10 years, French production of asparagus has declined sharply to only 18,200 tons, far behind Germany, Spain and Italy.
France is now far behind Germany, Italy and Spain.
For asparagus production, France is now the fourth largest in Europe at 18,200 tons. In 10 years France has seen its surfaces decline by 43% to reach 5,525 hectares. Over the same period the surfaces in Germany increased 64
% to reach 21,815 hectares.
Germany has become the largest European producer and its production has doubled in 10 years to over 90,000 tons. It is followed by Spain with 50,400 tons and Italy with 44 000 tons.
Germany has become the largest European producer and its production has doubled in 10 years to over 90,000 tons. It is followed by Spain with 50,400 tons and Italy with 44 000 tons.
source : le figaro