The center of the country, destiny of the mamey
Tuesday 03 April 2007
The mamey or San Domingo Apricot is again sent from the region Oxkutzcab to the State of Mexico, where the box of 20 kilos of this fruit has much demand.
In the orchards of Oxkutzcab and Akil, seven varieties of the fruit are cultivated. Mamey begins ripen in January and the harvest starts in the second half of February and it finishes in the beginning of April.
The harvest of this fruit in the South of Mexico is at least 9.000 tons, mostly in regions of Oxkutzcab and Akil. The surfaces cultivated in the region include 500 hectares and in each region growers obtain from 50 to 60 tons of fresh delicious fruit.
80% of the production are sent to Puebla and the State of Mexico, where it is consumed in liquefied form, as fresh fruit and with ice creams.
The shipments of the fruit to the capital state of Mexico finish in May.