Peru's agroexports drive a new trade record
Pitahaya and red fruits have potential for export growth.
Peru's exports will close 2024 with a historic record for the fourth consecutive year, exceeding $73 billion, according to the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur).
This achievement is due to the joint effort between the public and private sectors, the strengthening of exporting companies and trade promotion strategies that seek to open new international markets.
In this growth, agro-exports play a prominent role, representing most of the non-traditional goods sent abroad. In 2023, they reached $9.5 billion, and between January and October 2024 they already total $8.664 billion, approaching the previous year's total.
Products such as blueberries, avocados and tangerines lead these exports. Blueberries, for example, totaled $1,657 million (+49.2%), consolidating its position as the main exported product in this category.
Peru is also a world leader in blueberry exports and ranks second in avocados, behind Mexico. Mandarins are showing steady growth, thanks to new opportunities in international markets.
Looking ahead, products such as sour cherry, pitahaya and other red fruits, such as sweet cherries, have potential for export growth. However, this requires strengthening the production chain, improving production systems and ensuring quality.