The price for chinese ginger have decreased since December 2016
China is one of the most significant exporters of ginger to Middle East, Europe, America, Southeast Asia, Japan and South Korea.
If the export volume is considerable, it can stimulate domestic prices to a certain extend. But from the actual situation in recent years, the exports of ginger to developed countries such as the United States, like Holland and Japan, have corresponding reduction in 2016. Under the background of oversupply of China ginger, the export amount shows no effect on promoting ginger price.
Jason, representative from Anqui Tailai Foods Co, Ltd. Comments this situation:
« The peak season of export to European market starts in December and now the season is coming to the end. The prices of ginger have already decreased to 13 % starting from December 2016 by the end of March 2017.”
“We export to UK, Holland, Italy, USA, Japan, and Middle east. Compared to the same period last year, the volume of export slightly increased» – Jason continued.
«Despite the fact that Thailand and Brazil also export to Europe, Chinese ginger has still a strong competitive position on the European market thanks to higher quality and standards. The real competitor in quality is organic ginger from Peru. But the price of Chinese organic ginger is only half of that of Peruvian organic ginger on the European market. And that is why price difference clearly guarantees the strong position of Chinese ginger on international markets».
Contacts: Jason (representative from Anqui Tailai Foods Co, Ltd.)
mobile phone: +86 138 0898 6220
Telephone: +86 536 4888 118