The medFEL online event gives a voice to producers
Thursday 22 April 2021
The online event "Tuesdays of medFEL" is shaking up its program to give a voice to producers.
The recent cold snap, in several regions of France, Italy and Spain, will have consequences for the harvests to come. For more than 30 years, the medFEL exhibition has been the privileged place for announcing harvest forecasts. This year, the online event "Les Mardis de medFEL" is shaking up its program to give a voice to producers
"Tuesdays of medFEL"
At 4:00 pm on May 4th, 11th and 25th, will be an opportunity to take stock of the situation caused by the cold and its impact on European production of summer fruit and vegetables: France, Italy, Spain, Greece.
Tuesday May 4th at 5 p.m. medFEL gives the floor to producers
"Frost wave in European orchards: will we have summer fruits and vegetables?
It will be a question of making a first inventory, of evoking the solutions in progress to preserve what can be preserved, and to consider the future in the longer term to better protect the orchards.
All medFEL Tuesdays will be broadcast live and broadcast in French, Italian and Spanish.
Come and attend the online debate and participate in the webinar
free registration https: //lesmardisdemedfel.registration