CID Bio-Science's Webinar: Why Commercial Agriculture Should Pay Attention to Leaf Spectroscopy for Leafy Greens and Berries in 2021
One of the leading US research tools innovator CID Bio-Science invites to join one of their most content rich webinars to date. With officially launching of the new SpectraVue Leaf Spectrometer, the company will be presenting distinct uses for leaf spectroscopy in commercial agriculture - for leafy greens and berries.
SpectraVue Leaf Spectrometer is built for plant physiologists, agronomists, ecologists and educators, and designed to simultaneous measure the transmission, absorption and reflection of light by biological substances within a wide range of wavelengths that cover visible and Near Infra-Red (NIR) light. This new instrument can analyze the effects of different nutrient applications, demonstrate spectral measurements of leaves, compare changes in pigments across elevations, and evaluate environmental changes on plant stress. The newly redesigned spectrometer has been upgraded with an all-new spectrometer that allows to quantify physical, optical and chemical qualities in the field with a full suite of built-in analysis software.
See the new spectrometer in action on company's YouTube channel.
During the webinar, Dr. Gerardo Nunez (University of Florida) will present his work in using spectroscopy in commercial blueberry production, and Application Scientist Galen George (CID Bio-Science) will present his process for developing a commodity-specific moisture content model for spinach.
Click here to register on the webinar that will held on Thursday October 8th at 8am (PST).
It is possible to register and get the recording later if no opportunity to make it to the live webinar.
Based in Camas, Washington CID Bio-Science is a manufacturer of portable, precise instrumentation helping environmental, agronomic, climate, and biology-focused researchers gather and analyze plant data, and has 30 years of experience.
More information about company, on the CID Bio-Science website.
Felix Instruments is a subsidiary of CID Bio-Science, Inc. focusing on pre- and postharvest applications helps fresh market professionals maximize the value of their products with company’s line of portable Gas Analyzers and NIR Produce Quality Meters.
Full information about Felix Instruments’ products can be found on their website.