Live from Asia Fruit Logistica: SMART HORTICULTURE ASIA, the Technology and Digitization Forum
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Wednesday 04 September 2019
Asia Fruit Logistica offers a program of events, some started the day before the opening and others continue for the duration of the fair, such as SMART HORTICULTURE ASIA, a forum on disruptive technologies and digitization of the supply channel.
Technology is transforming the supply chain of fresh produce. Visitors looking for additional information on cutting edge innovations in the field can find them on SMART HORTICULTURE ASIA, a forum on disruptive technologies and digitization of the supply chain.
Taking place each morning and located in Forum Hall 2 (Hall 5B), SMART HORTICULTURE ASIA highlights the role that technology can play in making production and the supply chain more sustainable. The second day will focus on the impact of the digital transformation on marketing and branding, the third day will focus on the influence of artificial intelligence on all sectors of the supply chain.
The event is chaired by Technologypull's Harrij Schmeitz and includes Darryn Keiller, CEO of New Zealand's Autogrow, Jacquelien Brussee Postigo, Deputy General Manager of Labbrand in Shanghai, and Ronald Hoek, CEO of Agro Energy.
Free entry for all visitors and exhibitors, simultaneous translation in English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean.
Hall Forum 2 (Hall 5B)
11 am to 1.30 pm