Mexico Calidad Suprema offers brand quality assurance
Mexico Calidad Suprema (MCS), the national quality assurance certification covering the fresh produce is being adopted by more and more Mexican professionals who recognize a vital role in assisting in increasing their exports to the Europe.
Mexico has formally adopted the standards to create good production practices and food security. This warranty is established under the guise of MexicoGAP in partnership with GlobalGAP.
The certification verifies MCS hygiene, health and safety practices of workers, the microbiological quality of water use in agriculture, sanitation and responsible use of pesticides and fertilizers with complete traceability. Strict procedures are applied in steps of packaging and transport and are also subject to verification.
42 products are certified in the areas of livestock, aqua-culture and agro food products, the largest sector being composed of fruits and vegetables. The Ministry of Economy (SE) and the Ministry of Agriculture (SAGARPA) says the number of certified companies has increased by 125%, totalling 20,876 producers across 411 companies.
source : bokooplus