VOG will launch a new strategy in august
The general assembly of the Italian cooperative, vog, South Tyrol cooperatives specialised in apples, has approved a new strategy for 2010.
The strategy will reorganize the trade department and the structure of the 18 cooperatives group.
The new structure will count 4 departments since august 2010 and the breaking down in production areas. These departments will be in charge of the sale of all apples produced by individual members, but also in charge of products selection and payment.
Cooperatives administrators will also take the commercial decisions, which will give the opportunity to each of them to have a control and to influence strategic decisions of the association.
Every department will name a representative, part of the "Central work group". This Representatives Council will have as President , the VOG Association President.
The Representatives Council will formulate the main streams of the sales strategies. It will identify the objectives and sales forecasts, the brands strategies and marketing strategies.
" The "VOG 2010" strategy has been redesigned in order to consolidate our market positions" has declared Mr Georg Köessler, VOG Assocaition President.
"With this new organisation, we will be able to to offer a more efficient service to our customers, with a quicker and better adaptation to market changes."