Apples-Italy: crop of Golden variety on the rise
Friday 27 November 2009
Golden Delicious production increased by almost 9,000 tons
The stocks of Italian apples this year amount to 695,000 tons (9,000 more than in 2008).
A production rise is expected for Golden Delicious, Red Delicious and Gala. Producers are moderately optimistic.
This year's production of Golden Delicious has increased by almost 9,000 tons compared to 2008, rising from 685,875 to 695,145 tons. Stocks, however, at November 1st are smaller by 5,767 tons over the same date last year, confirming a positive start of the season as regards to the volumes sold - according to data released by the Italian association Assomela, which gathers the main apple producer organizations in the Country (covering 80% of the domestic apple supply and 90% of the Golden) including VOG (Marlene), VIP, Melinda and “La Trentina” in Trentino Alto Adige, COZ in Veneto, Melapiù in Emilia Romagna, Rivoira and Lagnasco in Piemonte and Melavì in Lombardia.
For the Red Delicious variety, produced volumes have increased from 153,471 tons in 2008 to 178,677 tons in 2009 (while in the European Union a reduction by 9% was registered). Sales are constant in the two campaigns.
Considering the Gala variety, production increased by 19,488 tons in 2009 compared to 2008. Stocks are higher by 5,594 tons at November 1st over the same date in 2008, and sales were up 13,894 tons compared to the same period last season.
The total national stocks of apples to 1 November are 1,574,165 tons, against 1,547,011 tons in 2008 (+1.8%). Final figures about the Italian domestic production will be released in late November, when the last quantities of apples will be stocked, of the Pink Lady variety in particular.