First crop of winter-produced greenhouse peppers using LED lighting technology in Canada
Sollum Technologies, provider of greenhouse lighting solution, announced successful first harvest of winter-produced greenhouse peppers using LED lighting technology in Canada.
Due to strategic partnership, in collaboration with the Harrow Research Center of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and with the support of Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC), Allegro Acres harvested the first greenhouse crop of winter-produced peppers, which attests the benefits of smart lighting solution and its application on a large scale.
Allegro Acres, greenhouse pepper farm in Kingsville Ontario, seeded their red, yellow and orange commercial grade peppers in October and harvested in December. This crop is one of many to come, as the farm will continue to harvest peppers throughout the current winter season.
Gene Ingratta, President of Allegro Acres, shared Sollum's technology has contributed to the successful cultivation of winter crop. Its smart LED technology has been very reassuring and comforting throughout the entire process. "We can now control everything that's going on in our greenhouse. We do not have to worry if the Sun is going to come out or not. Now it's sunny every day, and we can adjust the greenhouses’ lighting in real-time as climate conditions change during the day," she added.
Awareness about sustainable agricultural practices is rising. Allegro Acres' results bode well for the future of local food production in greenhouses around the world. According to Louis Brun, Sollum Technologies' President and CEO, this Canadian first with Allegro Acres marks a milestone for the greenhouse industry and confirms the commercial potential of their smart LED solution. “Harvesting high quality greenhouse peppers in winter and on such a large scale is a stepping-stone on which we can build to develop additional light recipes for increasingly diverse crops,” he said.
Founded in 2015, Sollum Technologies offers greenhouse producers the only smart LED lighting solution that dynamically recreates and modulates the full spectrum of the sun’s natural light. The company based in Montréal (Québec, Canada), work closely with its clients to create recipes adapted to every produce’s growth cycle, regardless of its native climate in the world and the location of their greenhouse.
Visit company’s website for more information.
Established in 1999, Allegro Acres is a family owned and operated greenhouse pepper and vine tomatoes production farm in Southwestern Ontario. The farm is proud to be an early adopter of sustainable greenhouse production practices, such as pollination, hydroponic installations for better insects control, and a water recirculation system to reduce its consumption.
To check more information about Allegro Acres, visit its profile on OGVG.