Greenhouse strawberries prices go down in Crimea (Russia)
Based on the latest data, prices for greenhouse strawberries have dropped down by 45% within last week in Crimea. At the current moment strawberries are available at 4,8-5,7 USDkg within domestic fruits market of Crimea. It stands to mention that strawberries costs have been registered at approximately 7,7 USDkg level only 1 week before. This fact could be attributed to significant increase of berries supply from local farmers, as well as delivery of low cost strawberries from Ukraine – 4,3 USDkg. Despite prices drop, Crimean berries producers ship off fruits at 2 times higher costs comparing to the previous period figures. According to the local specialists, strawberries prices could start skidding down at the end of May 2015 with appearance of open ground strawberries in the market.