The kiwi production up by 20%
Compared to last year, the harvest of kiwifruit will be higher than 20%.
The kiwifruit production in the region Baixo Miño will exceed by 20% that of last year. This is the forecast, published in the newspaper Faro de Vigo, of Martín Fernández, technician of Kiwi Atlántico, company which markets the production of 250 hectares of different agricultural exploitations.
The harvest is scheduled for November. Preventive measures against the bacterium "Pseudomonas syringae" reduced damage in orchards. New working methods, prevention and hygiene throughout the year have minimized the impact of bacteria on production.
The Kiwi of the region reaches a perfect size, the fruit is fleshy and sugar rate will exceed 7.5 ° brix at the time of harvest. In Spain 70% of kiwi production comes from Galicia region, the fruits are mainly sold in the country but also in some foreign markets: Canada, Colombia, Brazil, between others.
source : faro de vigo es