Slight decrease in fruit and veg production in Southeastern Brazil
According to a study carried out by the Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock of Brazil (CNA), in spite the fact that Brazil’s Southeast fruit and veg production in 2021 had a slight drop (compared to 2020), it remains the largest producing region of the country. In 2021, it produced 40.87% of all fruit and veg harvested in Brazil (41.04% in 2020).
Bauru and Campinas are considered the main producing zones of the Southeast, constituting 5.36% and 4.3% of the total national production, respectively. Orange is the principal fruit for Bauru, and tomato for Campinas.
The Northeast is considered the second largest producer of fruit and veg, with a 21.58% share.
The South is the third largest producer, with 17.33% share.
The North accounts for 14.46%, with emphasis on the northwest area of Pará, which constitutes 4.64% of total production, particularly açaí, cassava and cocoa.
The Midwest region, is the largest producer of commodities, raw materials such as soy, and constitutes 5.76% of the total fruit and veg production.
The Brazilian fruit production map in 2021 was quite diverse. Such crops as oranges and bananas are cultivated throughout the country’s territory, but cupuaçu, açaí and soursop have a regional concentration.
According to the study, 77.5% of orange production and 70.6% of lemon is focused in the state of São Paulo. In the North, 94% of açaí and 53.6% of cocoa are produced in Pará.
In the Northeast region, Pernambuco concentrates 39.8% of mango production; Rio Grande do Norte - 61.2% of melon and 60.7% of guaraná; and the state of Bahia - 59.6% of soursop. In the South region, Rio Grande do Sul concentrates 49.8% of apple production, 64.2% of peaches and 51.2% of grapes.
Minas Gerais state is ranked first in terms of vegetable production, with Garlic (39.8%) and Goiás (34.4%) as the main products. Cassava production is distributed in various states, with the highest output in Pará (21%) and Paraná (19%).
29.3% of all tomatoes in Brazil are cultivated in Goiás and 21.4% in São Paulo. Santa Catarina and Bahia are considered the main producers of onions, with 28.1% and 15% share, respectively.
Letícia Fonseca, technical advisor at CNA, commented that the increase in national fruit and veg production is due to the development of more efficient planting systems and technologies, such as fertilization, irrigation or use of drones for pest management, etc.
Worth to mention that Brazil is the third largest fruit producer worldwide, but less than 3 percent of production is exported.