Belarus' potato export should reach 1 million tonnes
Friday 10 September 2010
Belarus aims to export a million tons of potatoes before 5 years.
Belarus’ potato export may reach 1 million tonnes in the next five years.
The President was told that there are plans to increase the land under potato from 51,000 hectares now to 65,000 hectares within the next five years.
Producers could be able of exporting up to one million tonnes of potatoes in the five next year.
Numerous measures are planned to develop the sector: improvement of seed potato production and reproduction of varieties.
Collection, sorting and packaging will be modernized. New installations of storage will take place.
Specialists believe that all these measures will allow raising the quality of food potato and industrial potato, enabling the production of an extensive range of potato products, reducing potato processing wastage as well as potato products import.
Source: national legal portal republic Belarus.