An excellent performance that predicts the achievement of the export target
Thursday 20 July 2017
Dragon fruit, litchi, rambutan, mango and longan exported more and more.
For the first five months of the year, Vietnam recorded an enviable performance (+ 38%!) of its exports of fruit and vegetables, which announces the achievement of the 2017 target.
The Fruits & Vegetables sector predicted a revenue volume of USD 3 billion for Fruit & Vegetable exports in 2017. This objective is well under way. For the first five months of the year, Vietnam's exports are estimated at USD 1.38 billion, an increase of 38% compared to the same period of the previous year.
This performance can be explained by the opening of very profitable new markets and by the amplification of the volumes towards the usual markets. Vietnamese Fruits & Vegetables are exported to 60 countries, the first four being China, the United States, Japan and South Korea.
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