Store vows to fight EU ban on 'ugly fruit'
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Tuesday 04 November 2008
A leading supermarket has been forced to ditch a healthy eating campaign at the eleventh hour after discovering its staff could be individually prosecuted under EU regulations.
Sainsbury's planned to launch Halloween 'zombie brains' cauliflowers, 'witches fingers' carrots and 'ogres toenails' cucumbers using under-sized and misshapen vegetables that are currently banned from sale.
'Because Halloween is focused on sweets and snacks for children, we thought we would add a healthy message and use the surplus vegetables,' said a spokesman. 'We knew it was illegal but we were happy to take that risk as a company and say: "Bring it on, EU."'
'But last week we discovered it wouldn't actually be us as a company that would be prosecuted. It would be individual store managers. And, obviously we could not ask our staff to risk a criminal record for the good of the company.'
The supermarket chain has now launched a 'Save Our British Fruit and Veg' campaign, in a bid to force the EU to relax its strict specifications on selling cheaper 'imperfect' fresh produce.
The retailer has written to the EU Agriculture Commissioner, Mariann Fischer Boel, and Environment Secretary Hilary Benn expressing its concerns over 'bonkers' regulations and has launched an online poll for customers to join the fight for 'wonky' fruit and veg.
Strict EU regulations dictate the shape, size and appearance of 36 fruits and vegetables. For example, it is illegal for supermarkets to sell a cauliflower less than 11cm in diameter, carrots that are forked (with more than one root) or onions with less than two-thirds covered in skin.
The regulations have long caused outrage among farmers, retailers and environmentalists, including the Prince of Wales, whose own 'knobbly' organic carrots have been rejected for sale.
The clamour for cheaper vegetables during the credit crunch has forced the EU to re-examine the regulations. At a meeting on 12 November, commission officials are expected to vote to relax directives on 26 of the fruits and vegetables - though the change will not come into force until July next year.
However Sainsbury's said it wanted any decision fast-tracked so it could legally sell this winter's produce as the credit crunch continues to bite. It is also calling for the regulations to be eased on all fruits and vegetables, as restrictions would still remain on apples, tomatoes and lettuces.
The regulations mean that an estimated 20 per cent of British farmers' produce goes to waste.