Stable prices for fruit and vegetable produce on Moscow markets
Thursday 29 January 2009
According to information, provided by the leading market participants of Moscow, at the moment, demand on Moscow retail markets is characterized as high and stable.
Prices for main commodities are stable too: prices for potatoes are declared within a range of 0.22 euro/kg, for carrot - 0.20-0.27 euro/kg, for cabbage - 0.17 euro/kg, tomatoes - 1.32 euro/kg and for onion - 0.17 euro/kg.
However, rise of prices for pepper imported from Israel is recorded on the retail markets - at the moment, prices are varying within a range of 2.17-2.28 euro/kg.
It is expected that demand for fruits would decrease till the beginning of February and as a result, bearish trend would characterized the price situation in the nearest future.
Demand for exotics fruits is very low that was caused by high prices.
Stable prices are observed for Polish apples and prices are declared within a range of 0.65 - 0.72 euro/kg. As for bananas, prices reached the level of 0.67 euro/kg.