Trends are positive for the Polish berry industry
Monday 16 September 2019
Production is increasing and exports are increasing for Polish berries (Photo: freshmarket pl).
In Poland, the production and export of berries (blueberries, raspberries, currants) recorded good results in 2018.
The area of blueberries was about 5,500 hectares. In 2018, the volume of fresh blueberries exported reached 13 900 tonnes, of which 90% was shipped to EU countries: the United Kingdom (31%), Germany (29%), the Netherlands (12%), Sweden (4%) and Denmark (3.5%). The total volume of frozen blueberry exports was 14 800 tonnes, of which about 80% (12 000 tonnes) was exported to EU countries. The main consumers were Germany (30%), Belarus (14%), France (9.4%), Lithuania (8.9%), the Netherlands (6.4%), Belgium (5.8%) and Sweden (5.5%).
Raspberry production was about 115,600 tonnes in 2018, an increase of 10.7% from 2017 (104,500 tonnes). The area of raspberries has exceeded 29,000 hectares. The volume of fresh raspberry exports was 11,100 tonnes, 99.6% of which was shipped to EU countries: to Germany (53%), the Netherlands (20%), Belgium (10%), Austria (7.9%) and Italy (2.1%). The total volume of frozen raspberry exports was 48 800 tonnes, of which more than 90% was exported to EU countries: Germany (35%), Belgium (12%), the Netherlands (11%), France (8.3%), the United Kingdom (7.6%), Sweden (6%), 1%) and Denmark (3.3%).
The area of gooseberries averaged about 44 000 hectares. The harvest in 2018 was 164 600 tonnes, about 28% more than the previous year. The main customers were Germany (47%) and Austria (17%). In 2018, the total export volume of these frozen berries was 45,100 tonnes, the majority (56%) of which was exported to EU countries. Compared with 2017, the volume of exports increased by 13%. The main customers in 2018 were Germany (22%), Belarus (36%), the United Kingdom (9%), the Netherlands (9%) and Belgium (5%).
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