A Franco-Italian campaign highlighting good practices in the potato industry
Friday 16 June 2023
The "Potatoes Forever" campaign will inform consumers about good environmental practices in the potato industry, from field to plate (Photo: cnipt.fr).
L'organisation française CNIPT (Comité National Interprofessionnel de la Pomme de Terre ) en association avec son homologue italien UNAPA (Unione Nazionale tra le Associazioni dei Produttori di Patate), ont lancé la campagne "Potatoes Forever".
The EUR 3.2 million "Potatoes Forever" campaign, co-financed by the European Union, will inform consumers about good environmental practices in the potato sector, from field to plate. The campaign will provide information on sustainable, environmentally-friendly production methods, and on the efforts made by the entire industry to achieve greater sustainability.
The campaign will run until the end of December 2025. It targets 35-49 year-olds, and plans to reach them through a synergy of means and messages: advertising, social media, point-of-sale events, presence at trade shows.
source : cnipt.fr