Chilean Fruit Exporters Association is working towards opening Japanese market
The president of the Chilean Fruit Exporters Association (ASOEX), Ronald Bown Fernández, together with the general manager, Miguel Canala-Echeverría Vergara, met with the Japanese Ambassador, Kazuhisa Shibuya, to analyze the situation of Chilean exports to this Asian country, and to start negotiations regarding the entry of Chilean apples to the Japanese market.
For Chile, Japan is an important destination within Asia, where they can continue to expand and diversify their exports, due to the incorporation of Chile to CTPP 11 (The Comprehensive and Arogressive Agreement for the Trans-Pacific), according to Bown.
In the 2020-2021 season, Chilean fresh fruit exports to the Japanese market totaled 31,366 tons. The main products supplied were table grapes, lemons, kiwis, baby kiwis, blueberries, pomegranates, cherries, mandarins, custard apples, clementines and avocados.