French producers denounced the "marketing coup" of the Auchan logo
The offer of 500 grams of strawberries for 0.79 euro triggered anger of French producers.
The professional association Producers of vegetables of France denounce sale at a loss (prohibited by French law) and see in this "marketing coup" a way to restore the poor performance of the system and restore good "price" image with consumers.
For Jacques Rouchaussé, president of the association, it is not with this "delusional" promoting that the consumption of fruits and vegetables will increase. With this type of practice, Auchan is also taking the risk of the industry to start 2014 season with price crisis, destructive for the French producers of strawberries.
Recalling that the average selling price of production in Spain is around 1,80 / 1,90 euro per kilo, and the prices offered to Spanish consumers around 3.7 euros per kilo. The tray of 500g of Spanish strawberries being proposed to the import in France at about 2 euros.