Newly updated version of Field Spectrometer will be introduced at International Conference
At the 2019 ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, one of the largest global conferences of scientists and researchers in the plant and environmental science field in November, US based company CID Bio-Science, Inc. will focus on new technology. The conference, Embracing the Digital Environment, is organized by the American Agronomy Society, America's Crop Science Society, and America's Soil Science Society.
The gathering will serve as an ideal platform for CID to demonstrate its latest development in the measurement of plant physiology – the newly updated and redesigned CI-710 Field Spectrometer for near-infrared plant analysis.
The Field Spectrometer, due to its release in early 2020, is a dramatically updated version of its predecessor CI-710 Miniature Lead Spectrometer and measures the transmission, reflection and absorption of leaves. New Field Spectrometer is a single, handheld and portable unit, measurements are performed 100% non-destructively in the field, with no leaf and plant damage.
"This instrument's pure research capacity is at the core of our redesign and update. The researcher can generate myriad insights, highlighting relationships between breeding, environment, nutrients, water availability, climate, and plant health or stress," - explains Marketing Director of CID Bio-Science Scott Trimble, CID Bio-Science's Marketing Director. "This method really improves plant stress response study."
The spectrometer can be used to quantify chemical concentrations, analyze color, study photochemical reactions such as photosynthesis, and quantify physical or optical properties such as film thickness, refractive index, and coefficient of extinction. Measures can then be used to assess the stress of abiotic and biotic plants.
SpectraSnap! Software comes with the device, it enables researchers to calculate and analyze many different indices across a 380-1100 nm spectrum, quickly estimating plant properties.
About CID Bio-Science
CID Bio-Science has 30 years of experience in the development of field instruments for plant researchers with instruments featured in over 2,000 peer reviewed research papers. The Camas, Washington-based company is highly regarded in the academic community as a manufacturer of portable, accurate tools that help environmental, climate, and biology-focused researchers collect data in their study areas.
Scott Trimble, Marketing Director
+1 (360)-833-8835