A packaging station to improve the quality and safety of exported products
Monday 09 March 2020
A new site that will help producers in the country to boost their exports (Photo: naeb.gov.rw).
In Rwanda, NAEB (National Agricultural Export Development Board) has just launched a new site to sort, classify and package products before they are exported to international markets.
This new station is divided into 3 operational departments, including an area of 500 square meters for sorting fruit and vegetables before packaging and placing in a cold room. It has 4 cold rooms which allow flowers, vegetables and fruit to be kept fresh for 4 days before being exported to foreign markets.
Operational 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, the site is able to process 50 to 100 tonnes per week of fresh fruits and vegetables including green beans, avocados, varieties of chilli, snow peas, broccoli and okra ..
Rwanda exports vegetables and fruit to countries such as France, the Netherlands, Belgium, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and China. In 2018 the country exported 30,116 tonnes of horticultural products for a value of $24 million and 41,802 tonnes for a value of $30 million in 2019
source : ktpress.rw