Wholesum launches a new sustainable packaging for vegetables
Wholesum, one of the leaders in the growing and supplying of organic produce in the United States, launches a new earth-friendly packaging line of vegetables.
This packaging consists of a recyclable and biodegradable corrugated tray as well as biodegradable band. Each tray is made to fit two counts of each vegetable and one pound of tomatoes on the vine. Each band has a distinct and vibrant color, specially selected to create a vivid color contrast to the packed vegetables and the kraft tray design. Moisture-proof and sturdy, the trays ensure breathability and food safety from farm to shelf. The new line will hit retail shelves this February and will offer the company's core items year-round, including organic slicer zucchini, yellow squash, cucumbers, tomatoes on vine and bell peppers.
According to Ricardo Crisantes, Chief Commercial Officer of Wholesum, for their company, being an organic grower means not only exploring and implementing sustainable farming practices, but also creating sustainable packaging that won't harm the earth. "It has been a long road of research and prototype testing, but we are very pleased with what we can now offer our customers and consumers," he added.
By exploring new packaging alternatives, which significantly reduce and/or eliminate the use of non-renewable resources, the company is strengthening its commitment to continually improving sustainability. As a pioneer in responsible agriculture, Wholesum works to impact the food system by promoting human well-being and ecological balance while growing their produce.
Wholesum Family Farms are Fair Trade certified growers and shippers of organic produce. As a vertically integrated growing and marketing company, they have been growing produce on their own farms for 3 generations.
Click here to check more information about the company.