'Agro-écologique' for tomorrow's agriculture
Stéphane Le Foll, Minister of Agriculture, presented his Agro-ecological project during the "Agricultures : produisons autrement" conference.
This project aims to unite efforts of all stakeholder and bring together all programs in an overall approach to serve the same purpose. Because the modes of production in all forms of agriculture throughout France are changing the object of the programme is to expand the project.
The project aims to unite efforts of all stakeholders to form an overall approach in three areas:
Axis 1: Understand and capitalise: Consolidate, organise and complete the experience and
Axis 2: Disseminate and train: Organise and expand delivery capabilities based on the diversity of actors in the field of training and technical support. Future farmers will receive training in environmental practices in addition to agronomy.
Axis 3: Encourage: Encourage individual and collective farmers to convert new practices over time. To encourage this change in practices, investment incentives will be given to farmers who participate.