Kazakhstan could multiply its greenhouse surfaces by 10
Monday 03 May 2021
Kazakhstan has 300 hectares of high-tech greenhouses and would need 3,000 hectares according to UGK (Photo: facebook.com/unionofgreenhouses).
While Kazakhstan has 91 million hectares suitable for vegetable production, the total area under greenhouse cultivation occupies 2,000 hectares and high-tech greenhouses only 300 hectares. Another advantage of the country is its proximity to 2 demand markets, Russia and China.
According to UGK (Union of Greenhouses of Kazakhstan) the country has all the advantages to considerably increase its acreage for greenhouse crops. Large undeveloped territories but suitable for vegetable production, a favorable climate with up to 300 days of sunshine per year, which requires artificial lighting in greenhouses only in winter. Its proximity to Russia (140 million inhabitants) and to China (1.5 billion inhabitants) provides broad outlets.
In addition, greenhouse growers can obtain assistance including preferential loans, subsidies for fertilizers and after the completion of their greenhouse production project, reimbursement by the state of 25% of the funds invested.
In Kazakhstan greenhouses occupy only 2000 hectares, most are plastic-coated greenhouses, and modern high-tech greenhouses reach 300 hectares. A modern greenhouse can supply an average of 58-60 kg of tomatoes or 90 kg of cucumbers per year per square meter. According to UGK, the country needs 3,000 hectares of high-tech greenhouses to meet domestic market demand and to develop exports.
UGK (Union of Greenhouses of Kazakhstan) was created on the initiative of the leaders of the largest greenhouse companies, with the objective of developing the greenhouse industry in the country. Its main activity is to promote the interests of greenhouse growers to executive and legislative authorities. UGK helps its members seek out the world's top experts, project developers, equipment and consumables suppliers, and also provides legal, organizational and advisory support.
source: agroberichtenbuitenland.nl, facebook.com/unionofgreenhouses