Early start of the season for Turkish lemons
Sunday 26 August 2018
This is the Meyer lemon variety, with a thin skin and a good juice rate, whose cut was allowed on the 15th for export on August 20th, 2018. This is a month earlier than last year, when the cut varieties Meyer and Interdonato had been authorized on September 15 for export from September 21, 2017.
Favorable weather conditions are the cause of this precocity and other varieties should also be harvested earlier. On the other hand, the harvest of the Meyer variety corresponds with one of the most important Muslim religious festivals of the year and the Arab countries are excellent importers of a fresh lemon and close to their markets.
Last season, there was a significant reduction in Interdonato lemons but this season it seems that the quantities have returned to a normal level.
Source : Union des Exportateurs Méditerranéens