One out of every 2 melons shipped from Spain comes from Murcia
By constituting 48.66% of the total shipments of melons from Spain, Murcia is considered a leading province in terms of exports of this fruit. One out of every 2 melons shipped from Spain comes from this region.
In addition, Murcia is the leading melon-producing province with an average area of 4.700 hectares and an average production of 180.000 tons, according to the Minister of Water, Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, Environment and Emergencies, Antonio Luengo.
He specified that in 2021 more than 208 million kilos of this fruit were exported from Murcia, worth 154 million euros, being yellow, galia, cantaloupe and piel de sapo the most popular varieties.
The main destinations for Murcian melons are France (28%), Germany (24%) and the United Kingdom (18%).
Regarding the current season, Luengo commented that the first plantations suffered during the period of intense rains and episodes of hail, which resulted in delays in planting, seedbed supply problems and rotting of the plants.