Drought hits half of the USA
United States
Monday 16 July 2012
After the 12 warmest months since 1895, drought covers 26 states.
The USDA (Department of Agriculture) has just declared natural disaster in 1016 counties in 26 states. On a line stretching from Nevada to South Carolina, it includes 61% of 48 states.
This is the largest area declared natural disaster since
drought has been monitored in the United States. The last 12 months have been the warmest since 1895, the first temperature readings, said the National Climatic Data Center.
Cereal crops are particularly affected and are expected to increase world prices because of the expected U.S. crop failure.
Cereal crops are particularly affected and are expected to increase world prices because of the expected U.S. crop failure.
source : cnbc com, cnn com