Gold Member : Have you considered updating your profile?
All countries
Tuesday 22 October 2013
FJ provides Gold Members with means to follow specific statistics.
Improve your listing and get better statistics :
As Gold Member, provides you with means to follow your statistics.
You will be aware of :
- The number of visits your profile has received in the last 12 months,
- The messages that have been sent to you,
- Your profile's filling rate,
- Your profile's internationalization rate.
Our advice : get more business opportunities by increasing your filling rate. You can do so by completing information on your profile, updating it frequently, and having it translated.
Fructidor assistance:
Mr Louise NICOLAS (French, English, Spanish, German) +33 490 89 22 67
Mr Ghislaine ARDID (Spanish, French) +33 490 89 22 64