Mexico's avocados celebrate 200 years of Independence
Monday 27 September 2010
Mexico's avocados take advantage of the celebration of the Bicentenary to make their promotion.
The Mexican APEAM association (Asociación de Productores y Empacadores exportadores de Aguacate de Michoacán) joined to the celebrations of the Bicentenary of the Independence of Mexico.
The APEAM counts now 4.930 producers and 29 packaging companies which export towards the United States.
To celebrate the Bicentenary of the Independence of Mexico, the APEAM announced a whole series of activities and numerous initiatives of promotions:
- Participation as official financier of a parade in Los Angeles;
- Free distribution of 15.000 avocados;
- Various competitions;
- Donation at a community hospital of Los Angeles.
Source: apeam