Controlling the spread of ToLCNDV, a new cucumber crop virus
Hazera, one of the global leaders in the seed industry, launched new series of Hazera PRO+ cucumber varieties with increased disease resistance, such as to Tomato Leaf Curl New Delhi Virus (ToLCNDV).
ToLCNDV is transmitted by whiteflies and is a highly infectious disease. Cucumbers are vulnerable to this virus, which may cause severe damage to yield, including rough skins and longitudinal cracking. It is now rapidly spreading throughout the Middle East and Mediterranean region.
Plant diseases lead to a significant loss of yield and income for the growers. To prevent or minimize crop loss, growers need to equip themselves with the relevant knowledge and tools. Disease resistant varieties can help growers to control and prevent potential damage.
Company’s breeders have a long and successful history of developing varieties with extra disease resistance. With the launch of the new Hazera PRO+ series of cucumber varieties, growers can use a reliable, sustainable and economical tool to reduce crop damage and financial loss. One of the new resistance in varieties of this series is intermediate resistance (IR) to ToLCNDV, which means that such varieties may allow the development of symptoms, but still much less than in the case of susceptible varieties. In this way, growers may use resistant cultivars and rely on them to secure acceptable yields even in the presence of disease.
PasioND is the first in the Hazera PRO+ series, which was developed specially for the Spanish market and showed good and consistent yield performance throughout the growing season. The company expects to add more PRO+ Сucumber varieties to other markets in the near future.
Hazera is one of the global leaders in the seed industry with headquarters in Israel and in The Netherlands. By combining decades of experience with state-of-the-art technology, the company breeds, develops, produces and markets varieties of seeds in a wide range of vegetable crops worldwide.
More information on company’s website.