Envy® apples objective : 100 000 tons
For the new envy® apples, the goal is to reach 100,000 tons grown and marketed worldwide by 2020.
Born in New Zealand in 1985, a cross between Gala and Braeburn , this new variety is called " Scilate " but its global marketing is done under the brand envy® . This is the New Zealand company ENZA (T & G) , which holds the exclusive worldwide rights for the planting and marketing.
In Europe, the 1st plantations took place in Italy ( South Tyrol ) . A contract was signed between ENZA and VOG and VI.P companies in 2012 for the exclusive rights to plantations in Italy. The recent Interpoma fair in Bolzano, the first Italian production of envy® apples that was presented. By 2016, it is anticipated to be planting 370,000 trees to an annual harvest of 6,000 tons.
In Europe, other plantations are planned , especially in Spain and France.
source : fruitecom it