Kiwi Adour de France is 10 years old
FJ | Primland
The national leader of kiwi has just celebrated its 10th anniversary.
Adour Kiwi France was born from the merger of Kiwi Scaap France (department 40) and SCA Landadour (40) 10 years ago. Since then Kiwi Adour France conducted a strategy of alliance with other organizations: SSofruileg (40), SCA Vallée du Lot (47), Agrucorse SARL (20), Coop Lorifruit/Fruits Union (26). Prim'land is the commercial structure.
The ensemble represents now 17,000 tons of kiwis, 30 million euros in turnover and 30% of the French offer. Production is exported to 60% to forty countries.
Adour Kiwi France is a French leader but it's only 3% of the total European offer, far behind the Italian kiwi, firmly inatalled European leader. Adour Kiwi France is planning to double its production capacity within 10 years and building new alliances at European level.
source : sud ouest fr