ORIGINE CEVENNES innovate for the 2016-17 season
Tuesday 12 July 2016
The Cooperative ORIGINE CEVENNES takes a new strategic direction to better occupy the supermarket shelves and attract new consumers with its flagship product: sweet onions Cevennes.
Innovations for the 2016-17 season to the renewal of the range of individual packages and on creating POS (point of sale display) tools.
A new unit packaging: a tray of 6 onions, both practical and aesthetic. Protected by a flowpack, sweet onions Cevennes are housed in a cardboard tray. This new reference, complementary to the 3 onions tray, aims to expand the supply of the highly qualitative segment, and reduce the net market share by 1kg as it is less respectful for the starting quality product (followed shock retention problems).
The ity tray permanently replaces the bulk tray. The objective is to meet the product quality by approaching a fruit logic to go upmarket and claiming as well as benefiting differentiation on the shelf.
A new range of POS tools (Sheets recipes, posters, photos) will be available for guests throughout the year. The idea is to convey to the consumer three key concepts that make the sweet Cevennes onion a single product:
- A terracing system that preserves a unique landscape,
- A traditional culture to a handmade product,
- A remarkable gustatory identity.