Burkina Faso now the 2nd onions exporter in West Africa
In Burkina Faso the annual onion production is estimated at just over 300,000 tonnes ( 310,436 tonnes in 2010 ) about 32 % of the total vegetable production and 3% of total agricultural production.
Head of vegetable crops in the country, the onion sector covers 11 000 hectares and employs 15,000 producers.
According to official data, the onion export growth rate totaled 24% in value between 2009 and 2013 , the country exported 36,100 tonnes of onions for the period 2011/12.
This production increase has allowed Burkina Faso to become the second exporter of onions in West Africa after Niger. The government wants to assist producers to reach a production of 477,000 tonnes of onions .
source : burkina24.com, africonseilmatierespremieres.over-blog.com