Strawberries: Spain-France-Italy contact group analyzed the campaign
Wednesday 20 March 2019
Production is expected to be almost similar to the previous year, except for Spain, which recorded a rise in sales.
The contact group, made up of representatives of Spanish, French and Italian producers, met in the Italian town of Parete (Caserta, Campania) to review data from past campaigns, evaluate the current campaign and analyze the state of play and progress in joint work in the phytosanitary field.
Representatives of the three countries reviewed data from the previous year. For Spain, the 2017/18 season ended with a production of 280 300 tonnes, 8% less. For the current season, the area increased by 3.5% from 890 to 6,095 hectares.
For Italy, the slow growth of surfaces reaching this year the 3,796 hectares of strawberries. The main production area is Basilicata, where the Candonga variety stands out.
For France, the campaign is expected better than that of the previous year.
The group "Strawberries" is one of the contact groups created within the framework of the Spanish-French Joint Committee on Fruit and Vegetables, whose first meetings began 25 years ago. Italy joined the group in 2010.
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