45 million hectares sold in a single year
All countries
Monday 08 November 2010
Foreign investors are owner of 45 million hectares of arable land in the South.
45 million hectares of arable land area have been sold in the South between 2008 and 2009 to foreign investors.
The nongovernmental organization Oxfam, which publishes these figures indicate that over two thirds of land sold are located in Africa. At the same time, Africa is a "continent where food insecurity is important."
Compared to previous years, the lands sold in Africa have been multiplied by 10. Mozambique is about 10.9 million hectares. This represents more than 2 times the size of the Netherlands (4.2 million hectares) or Switzerland (4.1 million hectares).
Oxfam is concerned about these large-scale acquisitions, and their possible negative impact on welfare and food security of local populations. For NGOs such acquisitions should be regulated nationally, regionally and globally.
source : les afriques, novethic, allafrica