50% increase in 20 years for fruit areas
Wednesday 08 November 2017
Declining apple and grape plantations, but net growth in cherry and walnut plantations, due to good yields and strong international demand.
In Chile, fruit exports continue to record a remarkable increase (+ 4.3% for the 2016-17 season), which can be explained by better yields but also by an increase in fruit plantations and a perfect match with the demand.
According to ODEPA data (Oficina de Estudios y Políticas Agrarias), the area of fruit plantations increased from 210,917 hectares in 1997 to 315,735 hectares in 2017, an increase of almost 50% in 20 years.
To this progression of the surfaces is added a modification of the cultures. Some declined, such as table grapes, which accounted for 20.8% of the area in 1997 but only 15.3% today or apples with 18.9% 20 years ago and 11.4% this year .
On the contrary, other crops grew, such as walnuts, which totaled 3.6% of the planted area in 1997, but reached 11.2% in 2017, or cherries, which grew by 2.3% of the total area planted. fruit trees in 1997 to 8% in 2017.
"The growth of fruit plantations confirms a systematic adjustment towards species that have a better commercial perspective in terms of their real potential for greater returns to the producer" commented ASOEX.
source : economiaynegocios cl