Very positive feedback for the campaign " Vegetable Europe, We Care You Enjoy "
Closing ceremony at Fruit Logistica campaign " Vegetables in Europe, Wa Care You Enjoy " which brought together hundreds of people (media, producers, representatives of the European distribution).
According to the latest data , the program set up to promote the consumption of European vegetables generated during its 3 years of existence over 850 million impacts.
In large distribution chains in Germany , messages Esther Schweins , Ambassador chosen for the campaign, encouraged customers to consume European vegetables (messages on trolleys , magazine ads 10 million copies ) . Giant poster on the Alexanderplatz in Berlin (16 million views) , discounts on various events (Berlin, London) , nutritional information by distributing leaflets in 6,000 hospitals and clinics. Ads on health magazines , lifestyle , kitchen ( 20 million copies ) . Spots Radio 350 million.
source : pro export, hortyfruta es