Lemons prices too high for consumers
In green grocers and at markets the price of the inflation champion, the lemon, is deterring consumers. Therefore, the lemon, which in Turkey has always been considered an indispensable part of the dinner table, has been dropped.
On domestic markets, lemons are sold for between €1.65-2.30 a kilo depending on quality, at some markets prices can reach €2.60-3.00. With the arrival of summer, the lemon is not just an essential dinner table accompaniment, but also used for cold drinks, yet greengrocers report that they are selling lemons individually because they have become so expensive.
Batman greengrocer, Halil Kardas, considers the price hike of lemons to be caused by the increase in lemon exports which has meant less produce on the domestic markets. He states, “Lemons are being exported to several countries from Turkey and because of this the amount of stock on the domestic markets has reduced. Therefore the reduced intake of lemons is directly reflected in the prices. Lemons aren’t being bought in kilo weights as before. In the past a single lemon cost €0.08, now it is €0.33. The former dinner table essential has been abandoned by most people,” he concluded.
Source: dogruhaber.com