New outlook for sub-Saharan Africa productions
Bananas, avocados and citrus may enter the markets of European, Middle East and South Africa.
Recent studies by several organizations (ICIPE, FPEAK, KEPHIS in Kenya, SAAGA and CRI in South Africa, Mondlane University in Mozambique) have shown that quarantine measures are no longer necessary. Previously, bananas, avocados and African citrus had been banned by several importing countries due to the presence of a fruit fly known as the "Bactrocera invadens."
These studies have convinced countries like South Africa, Italy, Portugal, Spain and the Netherlands to withdraw their quarantine measures for products from Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Kenya, Uganda, Mozambique, Tanzania, Senegal. The producers of these sub-Saharan African countries will now be able to export to Europe, the Middle East and South Africa.
source : news sudanvisiondaily com